Wednesday, February 13, 2013

You've Got To Be Kidding Me

The world's greatest cat is perplexed by some of the tweets she's been reading.

Former Los Angeles policeman Chris Dorner killed four innocent people. Yet many individuals think he's a hero. Don't believe me? Try Googling his name. Or, better yet, go on Twitter. You're likely to find more supporters than you will those who are horrified by his actions.

Oh, his fans will say they don't like the crimes he committed. It's just that they understand Dorner was battling against an unjust system. Is your B.S. detector going off yet? It should be.

This phenomena of people turning bad seeds into folk heroes is, unfortunately, nothing new. It usually happens during uncertain times. Jesse James and his murderous gang, for instance, existed during the chaos of post Civil War America. They subtracted people from a lot of families, yet, like Dorner, they had their fans.

Why? Because times were bad and people were angry. Just like now.

Dorner wrote a manifesto where he claimed his life was harmed by racism. His supporters view this as a kind of justification. Give me a break. Thinking racism somehow justifies Dorner's actions is like thinking the Treaty of Versailles justified Hitler's invasion of Poland.  

If there's anything that separates Dorner's story from that of a common thug it's the fact that he seemed to be a throwback to Depression-era criminals like "Baby Face" Nelson and Bonnie and Clyde -  psychopaths who weren't afraid to take a few law enforcement officials with them on their way to the morgue.

I'll save my applause for someone more deserving.

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